


Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Architecture
25 November 2014, 14:00 – 18:30
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo
奈良の遺跡からローマのガラスが 出たという報告を奈良文化財研究所の田村氏がされ


The cultural heritages of Italy and Japan are considered to be amongst the mo
st valuable, worldwide. Considerable effort is devoted by public institutions 
as well as by the private sector for their preservation. The purpose of the wo
rkshop is to convene experts in the field of cultural heritage conservation an
d share some of the most recent methods and innovative techniques used for the
conservation of cultural properties. 
The workshop is organized by the Embassy of Italy in Tokyo, with the collabora
tion of the Italian Cultural Institute and with the support by the Japan Natio
nal Research Institute for Cultural Properties in Tokyo. 

Architecture and the City: Conservation and Technological Innovation 
Free Software and other Scientific Tools for Architectonic and Landscape Cons
Giorgio Gianighian, University IUAV in Venice 

Examples of Architectural Conservation by Structural Transfer
Mizuko Ugo, Gakushuin Women’s College
Archeology of Architecture Olimpia Niglio, Kyoto University Innovative Techni
ques for Cleaning Stone Monuments
Masayuki Morii, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo

Discovery of Ancient Roman Jewellery in Japan
Tomomi Tamura, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Nara

Multi-spectral Analysis of Art Objects
Gian Piero Gallerano, ENEA-Frascati
Non-invasive Techniques for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage  
Kaori Fukunaga, NICT-Tokyo (collaboration with ENEA and CNR)

Contributions from the Private Sector
From case design to complete realization of museum art exhibitions (to be con